OPC Studio User's Guide and Reference
.NET Framework Demo Applications for OPC UA PubSub
Client and Subscriber Development > Development Fundamentals > Development Product Parts > Demo Applications > .NET Framework Demo Applications > .NET Framework Demo Applications for OPC UA PubSub

OPC Data Client installs with a demo application that allows exploring various functions of the product as an OPC UA (PubSub) Subscriber. The demo application is available from the Start menu or the Launcher application.

A picture of the application, taken when it is actively receiving data, is shown below.


The application allows you select from several ready-made subscription settings for various combinations of OPC UA PubSub transport and message mappings. Some of these settings (those for broker-based communication) use data from the public OPC UA Demo Publisher, some settings (those for datagram-based communication) require that you first set up a publisher on your LAN; in such case, brief instructions are provided for that.

The OPC UA PubSub demo application can also be used to other datasets; it is not limited to the pre-configured settings.

See Also

Installed Examples - WindowsForms